1/48 Self Portrait

Oh my, crammed my way into posting this photo entry, never thought taking self-portraits can be so mentally draining. Of over hundred shots I got only three is pwede na. None of which is totally mind-blowing, probably that's why it's a daunting task because my goal is to have a pro look, which is not for me to attain at this point. So in the last minute, I just let go of all my expectations and just blindedly pick a photo which I think I'm in my rawest and sexiest.

What do you wanna be?

While my four-year old was watching cartoon, i heard the character says something like "I wanna be an astronaut." So I took that as a cue to start a meaningful conversation with her.

Me: Do you wanna be an astronaut.
Her: No. Aliens are scary.
Me: We don't know that. 
Me: So what do you wanna be?
Her: A doctor. A teacher. Nagtitinda (seller). Santa.
Me: Why Santa?
Her: Coz i wanna give gifts to kids like Dibo (Disney's gift dragon).
Me: Wow. Miss Universe answer. So generous naman ng anak ko.

Discover Philipines : La Laguna

I would love to roam my homeland and in my case there's almost the whole Philippines yet to be seen, looking forward to Dora-like adventures in this Hello Philippines series i just thought of starting right now. Of course with my best travel buddy no other than my own little Dora, my daughter!

It just dawned on me that I am hardly moving at all, business and saving money always come first in priorities but life doesn't wait for you to be ready, life is this, life is now! I'm not judging those people who are addicted to work, it's just that I'm not that kind of person. I'm mostly hedonistic and get easily weary of routines.

And don't underestimate travelling as learning and socialization resource for your kids. And they get to unwind too from their daily routines (yeah, they need it too!)

First stop: Laguna!

An easy getaway from Manila, in our case from Mindoro. With lots of  free to cheap eye feast and new experiences waiting for you. Diversity plus culture plus history plus nature.

In this trip i consciously tried to get away from commercial places. Malls and touristy destinations are getting so tiresome and plus I don't wanna hurt my pocket, I wish I could afford to at this point :)